Buy a puppy online
Audra is amazing and so pretty. Huge moon eyes, short baby face, and absolutely beautiful perfect white coat. She is simply stunning and so sweet too. Wants to be in your lap or with you anytime she can. She is expecting 2 pounds or less. Call to reserve her today!
How to buy a puppy online
In short, no. The Maltese breed is very attached to his / her owner and they do not do well being alone all day. This breed is known to have some major behavioral issues if left alone for long periods of time over many days / weeks, ect.
Where to buy a puppy online
We would suggest having a friend, family member or possibly a doggy day care set up to take your dog for the day at least 2 – 3 days a week. This will ensure that your dog does not develop some behavioral issues such as obsessive barking, chewing on inappropriate items, OCD issues, becoming destructive ( digging, soiling, getting into places he / she is not supposed too such as the garbage ), and intense separation anxiety.
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Unfortunately, this breed is one of the top breeds known for abandonment in Australia and South Korea because of this breeds tendency to bark excessively when left alone and the owners are unable to curb that behavior while at work throughout the day.
How to buy a puppy online safely

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